The new project “Sustainable Integrated Management FOR the NEXUS of water-land-food-energy-climate for a resource-efficient Europe (SIM4NEXUS)” has been selected by the European Commission for an overall grant of nearly € 8,000,000. It started in May 2016 and runs for 4 years. The 26 partners of SIM4NEXUS are from 15 countries.
SIM4NEXUS will develop innovative methodologies to facilitate the design of policies and bridge knowledge and technology gaps in the field of the water-land-food-energy-climate Nexus under climate change conditions.
The project aims to develop a methodology of integration using a complexity science approach and a Serious Game, as an integrating tool for testing and evaluating policy decisions. It will be tested on 12 case studies at the regional scale (Sardinia, Andalusia, South-West UK), national scale (Azerbaijan, Greece, The Netherlands, Latvia and Sweden), transnational scale (France-Germany border and Germany-Czech republic-Slovakia area) as well as EU and Global levels.
ACteon is responsible for co-leading the workpackage 5 : “Implementing Nexus-compliant practices”, providing support to all 12 case studies, and is leading the case study on the France-Germany border.
The Kick-off meeting was hosted by the Project leader Wageningen UR in The Hague (Netherlands). ACTeon facilitated the poster session presenting the 12 case studies and organised group discussions on the engagement of stakeholders in the research project.
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Cet article Acteon participated in the kick-off meeting of the H2020 project “SIM4NEXUS” est apparu en premier sur ACTeon.